The hypocrisy of western society toward the Palestinian holocaust.

To fully understand the Palestinian holocaust is paradoxically useless reading the newspapers or watching the news on TV rather than going through certain events that happened so far back in time that none would ever consider as influential.

Paramount of the Palestinian tragedy is the way the events have being told the rest of the world.

If you want to know more about the historical steps that led to today’s tragedy, I put together a very exhaustive document, please read it through:

I understand that western media are as reliable as a statement from the Swedish Central Bank, but I refuse to believe that most of the population still believes that 2+2=5.

The western world is completely ignorant toward the Palestinian holocaust, it is not their fault. Since there are no series on Netflix about the Palestinian tragedy, how can they know? And we cannot ask national TVs to provide a basic explanation of what has been going on there because we cannot deprive the cattle of their dose of omegas running after a ball, cooking in front of a camera, or squawking something written by someone else (any reference to football, realities and talent shows is purely casual).

And so, the attention is now toward israel, a US military base located in Palestine (quite a big one actually). Bad luck for the next Nobel prize winner Zelensky that cannot beg for more help from the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation since the world cameras are now focused on another direction, a bit more south-east.

By the way Volodymyr, keep it quiet when you say that you stand with Israel, someone may notice the stylised swastika used as symbol of your Azov army and someone else may remember what happened at Babi Yar in 1941.

What is happening in Palestine?

Nothing unusual I would say, normal standard operative procedure.

When you need to manage to biggest concentration camp ever built you need to do some cleaning from time to time. It would be much easier to just erase the Palestinian population once and for all, but without a good excuse it could be difficult to justify such an action.

So, the best approach is to provoke and humiliate the Palestinian population to the limit, or way past the limit to the point when they react henceforth using that reaction as an excuse.

Because of course israel has the right to defend itself, with any means because international law only works against Russia and even the great heroes of the Black Lives Matter movement seem to be quiet, probably because Palestinian are not black enough.

I refuse to comment on President “Bidet” total support to israel because I felt embarrassed for him.

I still can’t fathom how an aggressor has the right to defend itself when the victim reacts.

If I align to western media standard:

I should side with Nazis when they erased the two villages of Lidice and Ležáky as a retaliation against the Czech and Slovak for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich on 27 May 1942 or when they engaged in the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre, in which an entire village was razed and almost every resident murdered because of persistent French resistance.

I should refer to the holocaust as the war between Nazi-Germany and the Jews or refer to the French partisans as terrorists.

From 2008 up till today the events that happened are more or less known to the public opinion, but it is crucial to point out that without having a complete picture of the history preceding 2008 it is unlikely to get a rational view of the successive events: the rise of the PLO, the rise of Hamas and the terror attempts by Palestinian groups.

If the public opinion is not aware of all the events that happened before then the general idea will be of a mad Arab population making terror attacks against Israel and the western world. If the public opinion is instead aware of what happened before then it is clear how the violent acts made by the Palestinians, however execrable and of terrorist nature, are indeed a reaction to decades of violence, injustices, and Nazi-style massacres.

A (violent) reaction is not an action! This is the crucial point to understand that none on TV or newspaper will ever tell you. The mass media will never tell you that Hamas is reacting but only that it is acting violently because if they ever told the public opinion that the violent acts by the Palestinian people are indeed a reaction, then they would probably be forced to explain the cause of this reaction.

A reaction to what? Why are they reacting? The only way to answer these questions is to go through the past events but this will never happen… no mass media will ever tell you the truth.

None will ever tell you what Abba Eban, UN Israeli ambassador, told Menachem Begin:

The picture that emerges is of an Israel wantonly inflicting every possible measure of death and anguish on civilian populations in a mood reminiscent of regimes which neither Mr. (Prime Minister) Begin nor I would dare to mention by name (He was clearly referring to the Nazis).

Quotation of Israel’s UN Ambassador and Labor Party Foreign Minister Abba Eban in 1981 – Abba Eban, “Morality and warfare,” The Jerusalem Post, August 16, 1981 in cited in Edward Herman, The Real Terror Network, (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1982), p. 77.

The horrific events that took place in modern time in Palestine are known to most of us, we see entire villages being destroyed, innocent people being abducted or tortured or used as human shields, but still this is today history and cannot be disregarded from all the series of events that happened before.

It is extremely important to understand what happened in the past, it is only by knowing and telling the truth that Palestinian tragedy can find an end and nevertheless to free the people of Israel from all the lies told by their Zionist leaders. No real peace can be achieved if the rest of the world won’t become aware of the truth.

Israel must apologise for all the horror it has done (like Germany did in the aftermath of the second world war) and must recognise the right of the Palestinians to have their own country.

It is also important to highlight the fact that none is even thinking of about eliminating the nation Israel, not even the Arabs; this is yet another lie that has been told many times.

Ismail Haniyehche (Hamas Palestinian prime minister) declared in July 2006 on the Washington Post:

We are in favour for a peaceful land for all the Semite populations of the Middle Est (Semite means Palestinian and Jewish).

The truth about the Palestinian tragedy must be known to the public opinion, if anyone cares about the faith on those innocent people, he/she cannot let the world be indoctrinated by all the grieve lies told by the Israel government and always supported by their occidental partners (USA, Great Britain and EU).

Without this background knowledge it is impossible to even begin a discussion about the right of the Palestinian people to have their own land. The reactions are often like:

Do you really want to allow those Hamas terrorists to have a country? Those cruel fanatic Arabs?

It is useless to demonstrate on the streets or to show on TV the footage of dead children, since without fully knowing the truth, the reactions would likely be:

Well! It is terrible to see all those dead children, but it is Hamas that started it all, Hamas is the terrorist!

If this is the truth known to the public the Palestinian population (as well the Jewish one) will never obtain justice.

Once again, if you want to know more about the historical steps that led to today’s tragedy, I put together a very exhaustive document, please read it through:

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